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  3. // https://vuepress-theme-reco.recoluan.com/views/1.x/
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  42. {title:'单表操作',path:'/sql/03.singletable'},
  43. {title:'多表操作',path:'/sql/04.multitable'},
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  74. {title: 'Linq', path: '/csharp/11.linq'},
  75. {title: '语法糖', path: '/csharp/12.sugar'},
  76. {title: '异常处理', path: '/csharp/13.exception'},
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  87. {title: 'WnDataSource', path: '/winform/03.datasource'},
  88. {title: '控件库接口', path: '/winform/04.interface'},
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  90. {title: '菜单导航控件', path: '/winform/06.menu&navigator'},
  91. {title: '单值控件', path: '/winform/07.singlecontrol'},
  92. {title: '数据展示控件', path: '/winform/08.datacontrol'},
  93. {title: '模块设计原则', path:'/winform/09.moduledesign'},
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  95. {title: '编程规范', path:'/winform/11.programingstandard'},
  96. {title: '环境搭建', path:'/winform/12.devenvironment'},
  97. {title: '代码调试', path:'/winform/13.debug'},
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