@@ -9,23 +9,23 @@
<!-- 【vue3专用】 -->
-<!-- <select id="queryListByPid" parameterType="java.lang.Object"-->
-<!-- resultType="org.jeecg.common.system.vo.SelectTreeModel">-->
-<!-- select-->
-<!-- id as "key",-->
-<!-- name as "title",-->
-<!-- id as "value",-->
-<!-- (case when has_child = '1' then 0 else 1 end) as isLeaf,-->
-<!-- pid as parentId-->
-<!-- from kms_bas_article_category-->
-<!-- where pid = #{pid}-->
-<!-- <if test="query != null">-->
-<!-- <foreach collection="query.entrySet()" item="value" index="key">-->
-<!-- and ${key} = #{value}-->
-<!-- </foreach>-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- ${sql}-->
-<!-- </select>-->
+ <!-- <select id="queryListByPid" parameterType="java.lang.Object"-->
+ <!-- resultType="org.jeecg.common.system.vo.SelectTreeModel">-->
+ <!-- select-->
+ <!-- id as "key",-->
+ <!-- name as "title",-->
+ <!-- id as "value",-->
+ <!-- (case when has_child = '1' then 0 else 1 end) as isLeaf,-->
+ <!-- pid as parentId-->
+ <!-- from kms_bas_article_category-->
+ <!-- where pid = #{pid}-->
+ <!-- <if test="query != null">-->
+ <!-- <foreach collection="query.entrySet()" item="value" index="key">-->
+ <!-- and ${key} = #{value}-->
+ <!-- </foreach>-->
+ <!-- </if>-->
+ <!-- ${sql}-->
+ <!-- </select>-->
<select id="queryListByPidPrivilege" parameterType="java.lang.Object"
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+ order by sort_no asc
<select id="queryListByPidNoPrivilege" parameterType="java.lang.Object"
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@
and ${key} = #{value}
+ order by sort_no asc