2 Commits 470fab6891 ... 2305a21546

Author SHA1 Message Date
  danch 2305a21546 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into dev 1 week ago
  danch 29d1b0ea38 数据字典-删除数据后,已选中记录未更新问题 1 week ago
1 changed files with 183 additions and 149 deletions
  1. 183 149

+ 183 - 149

@@ -3,11 +3,19 @@
   <BasicTable @register="registerTable" :rowSelection="rowSelection">
     <template #tableTitle>
-      <a-button type="primary" preIcon="ant-design:plus-outlined" @click="handleCreate"> 新增</a-button>
-      <a-button type="primary" preIcon="ant-design:export-outlined" @click="onExportXls"> 导出</a-button>
-      <j-upload-button type="primary" preIcon="ant-design:import-outlined" @click="onImportXls">导入</j-upload-button>
-      <a-button type="primary" @click="handlerRefreshCache" preIcon="ant-design:sync-outlined"> 刷新缓存</a-button>
-      <a-button type="primary" @click="openRecycleModal(true)" preIcon="ant-design:hdd-outlined"> 回收站</a-button>
+      <a-button type="primary" preIcon="ant-design:plus-outlined" @click="handleCreate"> 新增
+      </a-button>
+      <a-button type="primary" preIcon="ant-design:export-outlined" @click="onExportXls"> 导出
+      </a-button>
+      <j-upload-button type="primary" preIcon="ant-design:import-outlined" @click="onImportXls">
+        导入
+      </j-upload-button>
+      <a-button type="primary" @click="handlerRefreshCache" preIcon="ant-design:sync-outlined">
+        刷新缓存
+      </a-button>
+      <a-button type="primary" @click="openRecycleModal(true)" preIcon="ant-design:hdd-outlined">
+        回收站
+      </a-button>
       <a-dropdown v-if="selectedRowKeys.length > 0">
         <template #overlay>
@@ -19,173 +27,199 @@
-          >批量操作
+        >批量操作
           <Icon icon="ant-design:down-outlined"></Icon>
     <template #action="{ record }">
-      <TableAction :actions="getTableAction(record)" />
+      <TableAction :actions="getTableAction(record)"/>
-  <DictModal @register="registerModal" @success="handleSuccess" />
+  <DictModal @register="registerModal" @success="handleSuccess"/>
-  <DictItemList @register="registerDrawer" />
+  <DictItemList @register="registerDrawer"/>
-  <DictRecycleBinModal @register="registerModal1" @success="reload" />
+  <DictRecycleBinModal @register="registerModal1" @success="reload"/>
 <script lang="ts" name="system-dict" setup>
-  //ts语法
-  import { ref, computed, unref } from 'vue';
-  import { BasicTable, TableAction } from '/src/components/Table';
-  import { useDrawer } from '/src/components/Drawer';
-  import { useModal } from '/src/components/Modal';
-  import DictItemList from './components/DictItemList.vue';
-  import DictModal from './components/DictModal.vue';
-  import DictRecycleBinModal from './components/DictRecycleBinModal.vue';
-  import { useMessage } from '/src/hooks/web/useMessage';
-  import { removeAuthCache, setAuthCache } from '/src/utils/auth';
-  import { columns, searchFormSchema } from './dict.data';
-  import { list, deleteDict, batchDeleteDict, getExportUrl, getImportUrl, refreshCache, queryAllDictItems } from './dict.api';
-  import { DB_DICT_DATA_KEY } from '/src/enums/cacheEnum';
-  import { useUserStore } from '/@/store/modules/user';
-  const { createMessage } = useMessage();
-  //字典model
-  const [registerModal, { openModal }] = useModal();
-  //字典配置drawer
-  const [registerDrawer, { openDrawer }] = useDrawer();
-  import { useListPage } from '/@/hooks/system/useListPage';
-  //回收站model
-  const [registerModal1, { openModal: openRecycleModal }] = useModal();
-  // 列表页面公共参数、方法
-  const { prefixCls, tableContext, onExportXls, onImportXls } = useListPage({
-    designScope: 'dict-template',
-    tableProps: {
-      title: '数据字典',
-      api: list,
-      columns: columns,
-      formConfig: {
-        schemas: searchFormSchema,
-      },
-      actionColumn: {
-        width: 240,
-      },
-    },
-    //update-begin---author:wangshuai ---date:20220616  for:[issues/I5AMDD]导入/导出功能,操作后提示没有传递 export.url/import.url 参数------------
-    exportConfig: {
-      name: '数据字典列表',
-      url: getExportUrl,
+import {ref, computed, unref} from 'vue';
+import {BasicTable, TableAction} from '/src/components/Table';
+import {useDrawer} from '/src/components/Drawer';
+import {useModal} from '/src/components/Modal';
+import DictItemList from './components/DictItemList.vue';
+import DictModal from './components/DictModal.vue';
+import DictRecycleBinModal from './components/DictRecycleBinModal.vue';
+import {useMessage} from '/src/hooks/web/useMessage';
+import {removeAuthCache, setAuthCache} from '/src/utils/auth';
+import {columns, searchFormSchema} from './dict.data';
+import {
+  list,
+  deleteDict,
+  batchDeleteDict,
+  getExportUrl,
+  getImportUrl,
+  refreshCache,
+  queryAllDictItems
+} from './dict.api';
+import {DB_DICT_DATA_KEY} from '/src/enums/cacheEnum';
+import {useUserStore} from '/@/store/modules/user';
+const {createMessage} = useMessage();
+const [registerModal, {openModal}] = useModal();
+const [registerDrawer, {openDrawer}] = useDrawer();
+import {useListPage} from '/@/hooks/system/useListPage';
+const [registerModal1, {openModal: openRecycleModal}] = useModal();
+// 列表页面公共参数、方法
+const {prefixCls, tableContext, onExportXls, onImportXls} = useListPage({
+  designScope: 'dict-template',
+  tableProps: {
+    title: '数据字典',
+    api: list,
+    columns: columns,
+    formConfig: {
+      schemas: searchFormSchema,
-    importConfig: {
-      url: getImportUrl,
+    actionColumn: {
+      width: 240,
-    //update-end---author:wangshuai ---date:20220616  for:[issues/I5AMDD]导入/导出功能,操作后提示没有传递 export.url/import.url 参数--------------
+  },
+  //update-begin---author:wangshuai ---date:20220616  for:[issues/I5AMDD]导入/导出功能,操作后提示没有传递 export.url/import.url 参数------------
+  exportConfig: {
+    name: '数据字典列表',
+    url: getExportUrl,
+  },
+  importConfig: {
+    url: getImportUrl,
+  },
+  //update-end---author:wangshuai ---date:20220616  for:[issues/I5AMDD]导入/导出功能,操作后提示没有传递 export.url/import.url 参数--------------
+const [registerTable, {reload, updateTableDataRecord}, {
+  rowSelection,
+  selectedRowKeys
+}] = tableContext;
+ * 新增事件
+ */
+function handleCreate() {
+  openModal(true, {
+    isUpdate: false,
-  //注册table数据
-  const [registerTable, { reload, updateTableDataRecord }, { rowSelection, selectedRowKeys }] = tableContext;
+ * 编辑事件
+ */
+async function handleEdit(record: Recordable) {
+  openModal(true, {
+    record,
+    isUpdate: true,
+  });
-  /**
-   * 新增事件
-   */
-  function handleCreate() {
-    openModal(true, {
-      isUpdate: false,
-    });
-  }
-  /**
-   * 编辑事件
-   */
-  async function handleEdit(record: Recordable) {
-    openModal(true, {
-      record,
-      isUpdate: true,
-    });
-  }
-  /**
-   * 详情
-   */
-  async function handleDetail(record) {
-    openModal(true, {
-      record,
-      isUpdate: true,
-    });
-  }
-  /**
-   * 删除事件
-   */
-  async function handleDelete(record) {
-    await deleteDict({ id: record.id }, reload);
-  }
-  /**
-   * 批量删除事件
-   */
-  async function batchHandleDelete() {
-    await batchDeleteDict({ ids: selectedRowKeys.value }, reload);
-  }
-  /**
-   * 成功回调
-   */
-  function handleSuccess({ isUpdate, values }) {
-    if (isUpdate) {
-      updateTableDataRecord(values.id, values);
-    } else {
-      reload();
-    }
+ * 详情
+ */
+async function handleDetail(record) {
+  openModal(true, {
+    record,
+    isUpdate: true,
+  });
+ * 删除事件
+ */
+async function handleDelete(record) {
+  await deleteDict({id: record.id}, reload);
+  let number = selectedRowKeys.value.indexOf(record.id);
+  if (number !== -1) {
+    selectedRowKeys.value.splice(number, 1);
-  /**
-   * 刷新缓存
-   */
-  async function handlerRefreshCache() {
-    const result = await refreshCache();
-    if (result.success) {
-      const res = await queryAllDictItems();
-      removeAuthCache(DB_DICT_DATA_KEY);
-      // update-begin--author:liaozhiyang---date:20230908---for:【QQYUN-6417】生产环境字典慢的问题
-      const userStore = useUserStore();
-      userStore.setAllDictItems(res.result);
-      // update-end--author:liaozhiyang---date:20230908---for:【QQYUN-6417】生产环境字典慢的问题
-      createMessage.success('刷新缓存完成!');
-    } else {
-      createMessage.error('刷新缓存失败!');
-    }
+ * 批量删除事件
+ */
+async function batchHandleDelete() {
+  await batchDeleteDict({ids: selectedRowKeys.value}, () => {
+    selectedRowKeys.value = [];
+    reload();
+  });
+ * 成功回调
+ */
+function handleSuccess({isUpdate, values}) {
+  if (isUpdate) {
+    updateTableDataRecord(values.id, values);
+  } else {
+    reload();
-  /**
-   * 字典配置
-   */
-  function handleItem(record) {
-    openDrawer(true, {
-      id: record.id,
-    });
+ * 刷新缓存
+ */
+async function handlerRefreshCache() {
+  const result = await refreshCache();
+  if (result.success) {
+    const res = await queryAllDictItems();
+    removeAuthCache(DB_DICT_DATA_KEY);
+    // update-begin--author:liaozhiyang---date:20230908---for:【QQYUN-6417】生产环境字典慢的问题
+    const userStore = useUserStore();
+    userStore.setAllDictItems(res.result);
+    // update-end--author:liaozhiyang---date:20230908---for:【QQYUN-6417】生产环境字典慢的问题
+    createMessage.success('刷新缓存完成!');
+  } else {
+    createMessage.error('刷新缓存失败!');
-  /**
-   * 操作栏
-   */
-  function getTableAction(record) {
-    return [
-      {
-        label: '编辑',
-        onClick: handleEdit.bind(null, record),
-      },
-      {
-        label: '字典配置',
-        onClick: handleItem.bind(null, record),
-      },
-      {
-        label: '删除',
-        popConfirm: {
-          title: '确定删除吗?',
-          confirm: handleDelete.bind(null, record),
-        },
+ * 字典配置
+ */
+function handleItem(record) {
+  openDrawer(true, {
+    id: record.id,
+  });
+ * 操作栏
+ */
+function getTableAction(record) {
+  return [
+    {
+      label: '编辑',
+      onClick: handleEdit.bind(null, record),
+    },
+    {
+      label: '字典配置',
+      onClick: handleItem.bind(null, record),
+    },
+    {
+      label: '删除',
+      popConfirm: {
+        title: '确定删除吗?',
+        confirm: handleDelete.bind(null, record),
-    ];
-  }
+    },
+  ];
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