@@ -0,0 +1,1184 @@
+ <view>
+ <view class="sticky-box">
+ <view class="button-group">
+ <button type="default" @click="reset">取消</button>
+ <button type="default" @click="navigateToSummary">统计</button>
+ <button type="default" @click="navigateToSearch">查仓</button>
+ <button type="default" @click="navigateToStage">暂存</button>
+ </view>
+ <uni-easyinput prefixIcon="search" :focus="isFocus" v-model="searchValue" @blur="isFocus = false"
+ @confirm="scan" @clear="clear" placeholder="请扫描拼件单号">
+ </uni-easyinput>
+ </view>
+ <view class="table-container" style="height: 100vh;">
+ <scroll-view class="table-content" :style="{'height': clientHeight + 'px'}" scroll-x scroll-y
+ :scroll-into-view="scrollItem">
+ <view class="table-header">
+ <!-- <view class="table-cell">操作</view> -->
+ <view class="table-cell">扫描状态</view>
+ <view class="table-cell1">装箱单号</view>
+ <view class="table-cell">仓位</view>
+ <view class="table-cell">收货仓库</view>
+ <view class="table-cellwl">物料编码</view>
+ <view class="table-cellph">批号</view>
+ <view class="table-cell1">实际作业数量</view>
+ <view class="table-cell1">计量单位</view>
+ <view class="table-cell">日期</view>
+ <view class="table-cell3">单据编号</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="table-row" v-for="(item, index) in indexList" :key="index" :id="'scrollItem-' + index"
+ :style="getStyle(item.smzt)">
+ <!-- <view class="table-cell"><button type="default" size="mini" @click="edit(item,index)">编辑</button>
+ </view> -->
+ <view class="table-cell">{{ item.smzt? '已扫描' : '未扫描' }}</view>
+ <view class="table-cell1" :style="getStyle(item.smzt)">{{ item["FENCHASENUM.LT"] }}</view>
+ <view class="table-cell">{{ item["FStockLocId.FF102029.FNumber"] }}</view>
+ <view class="table-cell" :style="getStyle(item.smzt)">{{ item["FSTOCKID.FName"] }}</view>
+ <view class="table-cellwl" :style="getStyle(item.smzt)">{{ item["FMATERIALID.FNumber"] }}</view>
+ <view class="table-cellph" :style="getStyle(item.smzt)">{{ item["FLOT.FNumber"] }}</view>
+ <view class="table-cell1" :style="getStyle(item.smzt)">
+ {{ getActualWorkQuantity(item) }}
+ </view>
+ <view class="table-cell1" :style="getStyle(item.smzt)">{{ item["FUnitID.FName"] }}</view>
+ <view class="table-cell" :style="getStyle(item.smzt)">{{ item["FDate"].substring(0, 10) }}</view>
+ <view class="table-cell3" :style="getStyle(item.smzt)">{{ item["FBillNo"] }}</view>
+ </view>
+ </scroll-view>
+ </view>
+ <view style="height: 200px;touch-action: none;"></view>
+ <view class="card-bottom" style="">
+ <view style="margin: 0 auto;">
+ <view
+ style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;margin-top: 8px;font-size: 12px;margin-right: 15px;margin-bottom: 8px;">
+ <view style="margin-right: 15px;">源单明细:{{ indexList.length }}</view>
+ <view style="margin-right: 15px;">已扫描:{{ indexListLength }}</view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ import {
+ audit,
+ getBillList,
+ getInventoryList,
+ save,
+ submit
+ } from '../../api/production_replenishment';
+ import modal from '../../plugins/modal';
+ // import {
+ // audioUrls,
+ // playVoice
+ // } from '../../utils/audio';
+ import {
+ playVoice,
+ audioUrls,
+ playSequentially
+ } from '../../utils/audio2';
+ import submitHelper from '@/utils/storageSubmitHelper.js'; // 确保路径正确
+ import {
+ executeSql
+ } from '../../utils/database';
+ import {
+ createInventoryQueryRequest,
+ getSearchParam,
+ getStorageByBillNoParam,
+ getStorageSearchParam
+ } from '@/utils/storageParams.js';
+ export default {
+ onShow() {
+ const res = uni.getSystemInfo({
+ success: (res => {
+ console.log(res.windowHeight)
+ if (res.windowHeight < 600) {
+ this.clientHeight = 580
+ } else {
+ this.clientHeight = res.windowHeight - 150;
+ }
+ console.log(res.windowHeight)
+ console.log(this.clientHeight)
+ // console.log(getApp().globalData.navHeight)
+ })
+ });
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ this.searchValue = ''
+ this.isFocus = true;
+ })
+ },
+ computed: {
+ //已扫描数量
+ indexListLength() {
+ console.log("执行了计算属性")
+ console.log(this.indexList.filter(obj => obj.smzt === 1).length)
+ return this.indexList.filter(obj => obj.smzt === 1).length
+ },
+ //剩余数量
+ indexList2Length() {
+ let arr1 = this.indexList.filter((item, index, self) => {
+ return item.smzt == 0
+ })
+ console.log(arr1)
+ return arr1.length
+ },
+ //正操作仓位未扫描数量
+ indexList3Length() {
+ return this.indexList.filter(item =>
+ item["FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"] == this.Location && item['smzt'] != 1
+ ).length
+ },
+ showWorkCenter() {
+ return this.formId !== 'PUR_MRB';
+ },
+ showRemark() {
+ return this.formId !== 'PUR_MRB';
+ },
+ showApplicant() {
+ return this.formId !== 'PUR_MRB';
+ }
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ // 页面加载完成后滚动到目标数据位置
+ uni.$on('scrollIntoView', (target) => {
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ // 使用id属性定位
+ uni.createSelectorQuery().select('#' + target).boundingClientRect().exec((rect) => {
+ console.log(rect)
+ uni.pageScrollTo({
+ scrollTop: rect[0].top - 95,
+ duration: 0
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ })
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ this.searchValue = ''
+ this.isFocus = true;
+ })
+ },
+ //监听
+ watch: {
+ Location(newValue, oldValue) {
+ console.log(`Location changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`)
+ this.Location = newValue
+ // 可以在这里执行相应的操作
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ formId: '',
+ fbillType: '',
+ isFocus: true,
+ indexList: [],
+ clientHeight: '',
+ searchValue: '',
+ scrollItem: '', // 滚动到的指定元素
+ color: '',
+ stockNum: '', //正操作仓库
+ uniqueFStockLocId: [],
+ balance: 0,
+ isStage: false,
+ stageIds: [],
+ stageLists: [],
+ tableName: "common_bill",
+ };
+ },
+ //获取上一页传过来的参数
+ onLoad(option) {
+ this.formId = uni.getStorageSync("formId")
+ // this.fbillType = option.FBillType;
+ // console.log(this.formId)
+ // console.log(this.fbillType)
+ uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+ title: uni.getStorageSync("moudleName")
+ });
+ uni.$on('item', (data) => {
+ console.log(data)
+ let index = data["index"]
+ if ("NewFENCHASENUM.LT" in data) {
+ this.indexList[index]["FENCHASENUM.LT"] = data["NewFENCHASENUM.LT"]
+ }
+ if (this.indexList[index]["FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"] != data["FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"]) {
+ const requestData = createInventoryQueryRequest(data["FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"])
+ getInventoryList(JSON.stringify(requestData)).then(res => {
+ this.indexList[index]["quantity"] = res.length
+ console.log("修改了原仓位条数", res.length)
+ this.indexList[index]['FStockLocId.FF102029.fname'] = data[
+ "FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"]
+ // 用于记录每个组合的计数
+ let countMap = {};
+ // 统计每个组合的行数
+ this.indexList.forEach(obj => {
+ // 获取当前对象的组合键
+ let key = obj.FBillNo + '|' + obj['FStockLocId.FF102029.fname'];
+ // 如果该组合已经存在于 countMap 中,则增加计数,否则初始化为 1
+ if (countMap[key]) {
+ countMap[key]++;
+ } else {
+ countMap[key] = 1;
+ }
+ });
+ // 将计数值添加到每个对象中
+ this.indexList.forEach(obj => {
+ let key = obj.FBillNo + '|' + obj['FStockLocId.FF102029.fname'];
+ obj.rowCount = countMap[key];
+ });
+ })
+ }
+ this.indexList[index]['FInventoryQty'] = data["FInventoryQty"]
+ // 定义一个映射对象
+ const formIdMap = {
+ 'LT_PRD_PMCWorkBench': 'FActualQty',
+ 'SP_PickMtrl': 'FActualQty',
+ 'STK_MisDelivery': 'FQty',
+ };
+ // 获取对应的字段名称
+ const field = formIdMap[this.formId];
+ // 如果存在匹配的字段,则更新 indexList
+ if (field) {
+ this.indexList[index][field] = data[field];
+ }
+ // this.indexList[index]['FActualQty'] = data["FActualQty"]
+ this.indexList[index]['Flot.FNumber'] = data["Flot.FNumber"]
+ this.indexList[index]['FAuxPropId.FF101501.FDATAVALUE'] = data["FAuxPropId.FF101501.FDATAVALUE"]
+ this.indexList[index]['smzt'] = data["smzt"]
+ console.log(this.indexList[index])
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ this.searchValue = ''
+ this.isFocus = true
+ })
+ })
+ uni.$on('search', (data) => {
+ console.log(data)
+ console.log(this.indexList)
+ // 遍历 indexList 数组
+ this.indexList.forEach(item => {
+ // 检查 smzt 是否为 1
+ if (item.smzt === 1 && item['FStockLocId.FF102029.FNumber'] == null) {
+ // 修改 FStockLocId.FF102029.FNumber 为 'a'
+ item['FStockLocId.FF102029.FNumber'] = data;
+ }
+ });
+ // this.indexList = data
+ // this.indexList.forEach(item => {
+ // // item.smzt = 0; // 增加属性 smzt,并设置初始值为0
+ // this.$set(item, 'smzt', 0);
+ // })
+ // // 用于记录每个组合的计数
+ // let countMap = {};
+ // // 统计每个组合的行数
+ // this.indexList.forEach(obj => {
+ // // 获取当前对象的组合键
+ // let key = obj.FBillNo + '|' + obj['FStockLocId.FF102029.fname'];
+ // // 如果该组合已经存在于 countMap 中,则增加计数,否则初始化为 1
+ // if (countMap[key]) {
+ // countMap[key]++;
+ // } else {
+ // countMap[key] = 1;
+ // }
+ // });
+ // // 将计数值添加到每个对象中
+ // this.indexList.forEach(obj => {
+ // let key = obj.FBillNo + '|' + obj['FStockLocId.FF102029.fname'];
+ // // obj.rowCount = countMap[key];
+ // this.$set(obj, 'rowCount', countMap[key])
+ // });
+ // // 1. 提取不同的仓位
+ // this.uniqueFStockLocId = [...new Set(this.indexList.map(obj => obj[
+ // 'FStockLocId.FF102029.fname']))];
+ // console.log(this.uniqueFStockLocId)
+ // // this.processQuantity(this.uniqueFStockLocId[0])
+ // this.updateIndexList(this.indexList)
+ // this.$nextTick(() => {
+ // this.searchValue = ''
+ // this.isFocus = true;
+ // })
+ })
+ uni.$on('summary', (data) => {
+ console.log(data)
+ this.indexList = data
+ this.searchValue = ''
+ this.isFocus = true;
+ })
+ uni.$on('stage', (data) => {
+ console.log(data)
+ // 处理每个对象
+ this.stageLists = data.map(item => {
+ // 解析 data 字段
+ const parsedData = JSON.parse(item.data);
+ // 返回处理后的对象
+ return {
+ ...item,
+ data: parsedData
+ };
+ });
+ this.stageIds = data.map(item => item.id)
+ // this.stageLists = data.map(item => item.data)
+ console.log(this.stageIds)
+ console.log(this.stageLists)
+ // 解析字符串为数组并合并
+ const combinedArray = this.stageLists
+ .map(item => item.data) // 解析每个字符串
+ .flat(); // 合并所有数组
+ console.log(combinedArray);
+ this.indexList = combinedArray
+ this.searchValue = ''
+ this.isFocus = true;
+ this.isStage = true
+ })
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ console.log('dddd')
+ this.searchValue = ''
+ this.isFocus = true;
+ })
+ // this.$forceUpdate()
+ },
+ methods: {
+ getActualWorkQuantity(item) {
+ switch (this.formId) {
+ case 'STK_InStock':
+ return item["FRealQty"];
+ default:
+ return item["FQty"];
+ }
+ },
+ getFabricOrderNo(item) {
+ switch (this.formId) {
+ case 'PUR_MRB':
+ return item["FFabricOrderNo"];
+ default:
+ return item["FFabricOrderNo.LT"];
+ }
+ },
+ getWorkCenterName(item) {
+ switch (this.formId) {
+ case 'LT_PRD_PMCWorkBench':
+ return item["FEWorkCenterId.LT.fname"];
+ case 'STK_MisDelivery':
+ case 'SP_PickMtrl':
+ return item["FWorkCenterId.fname"];
+ default:
+ return '';
+ }
+ },
+ getApplicantName(item) {
+ switch (this.formId) {
+ case 'LT_PRD_PMCWorkBench':
+ return item["FApplicantId.fname"];
+ case 'STK_MisDelivery':
+ return item["FPickingPeople.LT.fname"];
+ case 'SP_PickMtrl':
+ return item["FPickerId.fname"];
+ default:
+ return ''; // 默认返回值,可以根据需求调整
+ }
+ },
+ async updateIndexList(data1) {
+ try {
+ // 存储所有的异步操作 promise
+ let promises = [];
+ // 遍历 uniqueFStockLocId 数组
+ for (let fname of this.uniqueFStockLocId) {
+ const requestData = createInventoryQueryRequest(fname)
+ // 发起异步请求,并将 promise 存储在数组中
+ let promise = getInventoryList(JSON.stringify(requestData)).then(res => {
+ let objs = data1.filter(item => item['FStockLocId.FF102029.fname'] === fname);
+ objs.forEach(obj => {
+ this.$set(obj, 'quantity', res.length);
+ });
+ });
+ promises.push(promise);
+ }
+ // 等待所有异步操作完成
+ await Promise.all(promises)
+ console.log(data1)
+ this.indexList = data1
+ console.log('indexList updated:', this.indexList);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error updating indexList:', error);
+ }
+ },
+ scrollToItem(itemId) {
+ // 设置滚动到的指定元素的 ID
+ this.scrollItem = itemId;
+ console.log(this.scrollItem)
+ },
+ //取消
+ reset() {
+ const self = this
+ modal.confirm("是否重置?").then(res => {
+ if (res) {
+ self.indexList = []
+ self.searchValue = ""
+ self.balance = 0
+ this.isFocus = true
+ playVoice(audioUrls.warningSuccessUrl)
+ } else {
+ // 用户点击取消,不执行任何操作
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ edit(item, index) {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/storage/show?item=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(
+ item)) +
+ '&&index=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(index))
+ });
+ },
+ // scrollToItem(id) {
+ // // 使用id属性定位
+ // this.$nextTick(() => {
+ // uni.$emit('scrollIntoView', id);
+ // })
+ // },
+ showDetail(index) {
+ console.log(index);
+ let item = this.indexList[index.name]
+ console.log(item)
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/automatedwarehouse/listshow?Info=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(
+ item))
+ });
+ },
+ focusPoint() {
+ this.isFocus = false;
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ this.isFocus = true;
+ });
+ },
+ clear() {
+ this.focusPoint()
+ },
+ //跳转到查询页面
+ navigateToSearch() {
+ if (this.indexList.length == 0) {
+ // this.isRangeSelected = false; // 显示错误提示
+ playVoice(audioUrls.failVoiceUrl)
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: '请先扫描',
+ duration: 2000,
+ icon: "error"
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ console.log(this.stockNum)
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ // url: '/pages/production-replenishment/search', //这是你的当前页面地址
+ url: `/pages/storage/search?stockNum=${this.stockNum}`
+ });
+ },
+ navigateToSummary() {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/storage/summary?Info=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON
+ .stringify(this.indexList)) + '&&stageInfo=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON
+ .stringify(this.stageLists)), //这是你的当前页面地址
+ });
+ },
+ navigateToStage() {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/storage/stage?Info=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON
+ .stringify(this.indexList)), //这是你的当前页面地址
+ });
+ },
+ searchValueIsEmpty(data) {
+ console.log(data)
+ if (data == "" || data == undefined) {
+ return true
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ },
+ checkBarcodeInArray(barcode, arrayOfObjects, propertyName) {
+ if (arrayOfObjects.findIndex(item => item[propertyName] === barcode) < 0) { //不存在
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ },
+ areAllDetailsScanned(nowindex) {
+ if (this.indexList.filter(item =>
+ item["FBillNo"] == this.indexList[nowindex].FBillNo && item[
+ 'smzt'] == 0
+ ).length == 0) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ },
+ isAllPositionsComplete(nowindex) {
+ console.log(this.indexList[nowindex].FBillNo)
+ console.log(this.indexList[nowindex]["FStockLocId.FF102029.FNumber"])
+ if (this.indexList.filter(item =>
+ item["FBillNo"] == this.indexList[nowindex].FBillNo && item["FStockLocId.FF102029.FNumber"] ==
+ null
+ ).length == 0) {
+ console.log(this.indexList.filter(item =>
+ item["FBillNo"] == this.indexList[nowindex].FBillNo && item[
+ "FStockLocId.FF102029.FNumber"] ==
+ null
+ ).length)
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ },
+ showToast() {
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: '请扫描条码',
+ icon: 'none',
+ duration: 3000
+ })
+ },
+ handlePositionScanCompletion() { //根据仓位扫描的完成情况来处理不同的逻辑
+ if (this.indexList.filter(item =>
+ item["FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"] == this.Location && item[
+ 'smzt'] != 1
+ ).length == 0) { //该仓位扫描完
+ playVoice(audioUrls.allSuccessVoiceUrl)
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: '该仓位扫描完成',
+ icon: 'none',
+ duration: 3000
+ })
+ } else { //如果改仓位未扫描完,提示音
+ playVoice(audioUrls.successVoiceUrl)
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: '扫描成功',
+ icon: 'none',
+ duration: 3000
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ handleError(error) {
+ playVoice(audioUrls.failVoiceUrl)
+ console.error('操作失败:', error);
+ modal.confirm(error.message || '操作失败').then(res => {
+ if (res) {
+ } else {
+ // 用户点击取消,不执行任何操作
+ }
+ })
+ // uni.showToast({
+ // title: error.message || '操作失败',
+ // duration: 3000,
+ // icon: "none"
+ // });
+ },
+ async handleSubmit(FID) {
+ const FormId = uni.getStorageSync('formId')
+ try {
+ await submitHelper.submit(FormId, FID, this.indexList);
+ this.indexList = this.indexList.filter(item => item.FID !== FID);
+ console.log(this.indexList)
+ if (this.isStage == true) {
+ // 处理每个对象
+ this.stageLists.forEach(item => {
+ // 过滤掉 FID 匹配的对象
+ item.data = item.data.filter(obj => obj.FID !== FID);
+ // 检查 data 数组是否为空
+ if (item.data.length === 0) {
+ console.log("data 数组为空"); //删除暂存
+ this.deleteStages(item.id)
+ } else {
+ console.log("data 数组不为空");
+ }
+ })
+ console.log(this.stageLists)
+ }
+ this.balance = 0
+ } catch (error) {
+ this.handleError(error)
+ }
+ },
+ async deleteStages(id) {
+ let condition = `id = (${id})`
+ let sql = `delete from ${this.tableName} where ${condition}`
+ executeSql(sql).then(result => {
+ console.log('结果:', result);
+ // this.handleDeleteSuccess()
+ })
+ .catch(error => {
+ console.error('捕获错误:', error); // 输出: 捕获错误: 失败的结果
+ // this.handleDeleteFail(error)
+ })
+ },
+ showModalAndHandleSubmit(nowindex) {
+ let vm = this
+ console.log(nowindex)
+ console.log(this.indexList[nowindex])
+ let bBillNo = this.indexList[nowindex]["FBillNo"]
+ let FID = this.indexList[nowindex]["FID"]
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ this.searchValue = ''
+ this.isFocus = true;
+ })
+ playVoice(audioUrls.allSuccessVoiceUrl)
+ uni.showModal({
+ title: "提示",
+ content: "单号(" + bBillNo + ")已扫描完毕,是否提交",
+ showCancel: true,
+ success: function(res) {
+ if (res.confirm) {
+ // this.submit(FID)
+ this.handleSubmit(FID)
+ } else {
+ // 执行取消后的操作
+ }
+ }.bind(this)
+ })
+ },
+ showModalAndHandlePosition(nowindex) {
+ let vm = this
+ // console.log(nowindex)
+ let bBillNo = this.indexList[nowindex]["FBillNo"]
+ // let FID = this.indexList[nowindex]["FID"]
+ // this.$nextTick(() => {
+ // this.searchValue = ''
+ // this.isFocus = true;
+ // })
+ // playVoice(audioUrls.allSuccessVoiceUrl)
+ uni.showModal({
+ title: "提示",
+ content: "单号(" + bBillNo + ")已扫描完毕,请选择仓位",
+ showCancel: true,
+ success: function(res) {
+ if (res.confirm) {
+ // this.submit(FID)
+ this.navigateToSearch()
+ } else {
+ // 执行取消后的操作
+ }
+ }.bind(this)
+ })
+ },
+ handleScanSuccess() {
+ // this.Location = this.indexList[nowindex]["FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"]
+ // this.indexList[nowindex].smzt = 1 //修改数据状态
+ this.indexList = this.indexList.map(item => {
+ if (item["FENCHASENUM.LT"] == this.searchValue) {
+ item.smzt = 1
+ }
+ return item
+ })
+ console.log(this.indexList)
+ let nowindex = null; //该条码的索引
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.indexList.length; i++) { //获取查询装箱单号对应仓位,并切换当前仓位
+ console.log(this.indexList[i]["FENCHASENUM.LT"])
+ console.log(this.searchValue)
+ if (this.indexList[i]["FENCHASENUM.LT"] === this.searchValue) {
+ // nowlocation = this.indexList[i]["FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"] //当前仓位
+ nowindex = i //当前索引
+ this.stockNum = this.indexList[nowindex]["FSTOCKID.FNumber"]
+ console.log(this.indexList[nowindex]["FSTOCKID.FNumber"])
+ // this.balance = this.indexList[i]["quantity"] - this.indexList[i]["rowCount"]
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ console.log(this.stockNum)
+ console.log(this.indexList.filter(obj => obj.smzt === 1).length)
+ const audioUrlsArr = [];
+ audioUrlsArr.push(audioUrls.success2VoiceUrl);
+ // console.log(this.getActualWorkQuantity(this.indexList[nowindex]))
+ //是否全发
+ // if (this.getActualWorkQuantity(this.indexList[nowindex]) == this.indexList[nowindex][
+ // "FInventoryQty"
+ // ]) { //全发播放声音
+ // console.log("播放声音")
+ // audioUrlsArr.push(audioUrls.successVoiceUrl);
+ // } else { //不全发播放声音
+ // audioUrlsArr.push(audioUrls.success2VoiceUrl);
+ // }
+ // audioUrlsArr.push(audioUrls.success2VoiceUrl);
+ // playSequentially(audioUrlsArr);
+ // if (this.indexList.filter(item =>
+ // item["FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"] == this.Location && item[
+ // 'smzt'] != 1
+ // ).length == 0) { //该仓位扫描完
+ // // playVoice(audioUrls.allSuccessVoiceUrl)
+ // audioUrlsArr.push(audioUrls.storeSuccessUrl);
+ // }
+ if (this.areAllDetailsScanned(nowindex)) { //校验单号是否全扫完
+ //校验仓位是否全填
+ audioUrlsArr.push(audioUrls.allSuccessVoiceUrl)
+ if (this.isAllPositionsComplete(nowindex)) {
+ this.showModalAndHandleSubmit(nowindex)
+ } else {
+ this.showModalAndHandlePosition(nowindex)
+ }
+ // playVoice(audioUrls.allSuccessVoiceUrl)
+ } else { //单号未全扫完
+ // this.handlePositionScanCompletion()
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ this.searchValue = ''
+ this.isFocus = true;
+ this.scrollToItem("scrollItem-" + nowindex)
+ })
+ }
+ playSequentially(audioUrlsArr);
+ },
+ createSearchCondition(data) {
+ return {
+ "FormId": uni.getStorageSync('formId'),
+ "FStockOrgId": uni.getStorageSync('FStockOrgId'),
+ "FEnchaseNum_LT": data,
+ };
+ },
+ createSearchConditionByBillNo(data) {
+ return {
+ "FormId": uni.getStorageSync('formId'),
+ "FBillNo": data,
+ };
+ },
+ async scan() {
+ let vm = this
+ //校验是否输入条码
+ if (this.searchValueIsEmpty(this.searchValue)) {
+ playVoice(audioUrls.failVoiceUrl)
+ this.showToast()
+ this.focusPoint()
+ return
+ }
+ // 列表中是否存在该条码
+ if (this.checkBarcodeInArray(this.searchValue, this.indexList, "FENCHASENUM.LT")) { //不存在
+ //查询源单列表
+ const condition = this.createSearchCondition(this.searchValue);
+ const searchParam = getStorageSearchParam(condition)
+ modal.loading('获取数据中,请耐心等待...')
+ // const submitRes = await this.submitData(submitParam);
+ try {
+ const BillNo = await getBillList(JSON.stringify(searchParam))
+ console.log(BillNo)
+ if (BillNo.length !== 0) { //获取到入库单
+ const condition = this.createSearchConditionByBillNo(BillNo[0].FBillNo);
+ const searchByBillNoParam = getStorageByBillNoParam(condition)
+ const BillList = await getBillList(JSON.stringify(searchByBillNoParam))
+ console.log(BillList)
+ BillList.forEach(item => {
+ // item.smzt = 0; // 增加属性 smzt,并设置初始值为0
+ this.$set(item, 'smzt', 0);
+ this.$set(item, 'FStockLocId.FF102029.FNumber', null);
+ })
+ // this.indexList = BillList
+ this.indexList = this.indexList.concat(BillList)
+ this.handleScanSuccess()
+ // this.indexList = this.indexList.map(item => {
+ // if (item["FEnchaseNum.LT"] == this.searchValue) {
+ // item.smzt = 1
+ // }
+ // return item
+ // })
+ } else { //不存在查询的入库单
+ modal.msg("请确认输入条件有效!");
+ playVoice(audioUrls.failVoiceUrl);
+ }
+ modal.closeLoading();
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log(error)
+ // this.handleError(error);
+ throw new Error(error);
+ } finally {
+ modal.closeLoading();
+ }
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ this.searchValue = ''
+ this.isFocus = true;
+ // this.scrollToItem("scrollItem-" + nowindex)
+ })
+ // uni.showModal({
+ // title: '提示',
+ // content: "条码:" + vm.searchValue + '不存在',
+ // showCancel: false,
+ // success: function(res) {
+ // if (res.confirm) {
+ // this.focusPoint()
+ // vm.searchValue = ''
+ // return
+ // } else {
+ // // 执行取消后的操作
+ // }
+ // }.bind(this)
+ // })
+ // playVoice(audioUrls.failVoiceUrl)
+ return
+ }
+ //校验条码已扫描
+ // if (this.indexList.findIndex(item => item["FENCHASENUM.LT"] === this.searchValue && item.smzt ==
+ // 1) >= 0) {
+ // uni.showModal({
+ // // title: '提示',
+ // content: "条码:" + vm.searchValue + '已扫描',
+ // showCancel: false,
+ // success: function(res) {
+ // if (res.confirm) {
+ // vm.focusPoint()
+ // vm.searchValue = ''
+ // return
+ // } else {
+ // // 执行取消后的操作
+ // }
+ // }
+ // })
+ // playVoice(audioUrls.failVoiceUrl)
+ // return
+ // }
+ //条码存在未扫描
+ // let nowlocation = null; //该条码的仓位
+ // let nowindex = null; //该条码的索引
+ // for (let i = 0; i < this.indexList.length; i++) { //获取查询装箱单号对应仓位,并切换当前仓位
+ // if (this.indexList[i]["FEnchaseNum.LT"] === this.searchValue) {
+ // // nowlocation = this.indexList[i]["FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"] //当前仓位
+ // nowindex = i //当前索引
+ // // this.balance = this.indexList[i]["quantity"] - this.indexList[i]["rowCount"]
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // }
+ //不是首次扫描
+ // if (this.indexListLength != 0) { //已有操作,计算上次操作的仓位未扫描数
+ // let UnscannedNumber = this.indexList.filter(item =>
+ // item["FStockLocId.FF102029.fname"] == this.Location && item['smzt'] != 1
+ // ).length
+ // if (nowlocation != this.Location && UnscannedNumber != 0) { //仓位不一致
+ // playVoice(audioUrls.warningSuccessUrl)
+ // uni.showModal({
+ // title: "提示",
+ // content: "是否切换仓位",
+ // showCancel: true,
+ // success: function(res) {
+ // if (res.confirm) {
+ // vm.handleScanSuccess(nowindex)
+ // } else {
+ // // 执行取消后的操作
+ // vm.$nextTick(() => {
+ // vm.searchValue = ''
+ // vm.isFocus = true;
+ // })
+ // }
+ // }
+ // })
+ // return
+ // } else { //仓位一致或原仓位已扫完,正常扫描,无切换
+ // this.handleScanSuccess(nowindex)
+ // }
+ // } else { //首次扫描
+ // this.handleScanSuccess(nowindex)
+ // }
+ this.handleScanSuccess()
+ },
+ handleResponse(res) {
+ // 关闭加载提示
+ modal.closeLoading();
+ // 检查响应是否为空
+ if (res.length === 0) {
+ modal.msg("请确认装箱单号有效!");
+ playVoice(audioUrls.failVoiceUrl);
+ return;
+ }
+ console.log(res)
+ // 处理数据去重并更新状态
+ // this.updateBillList(res);
+ },
+ getHeightStyle() {
+ return 'height:' + this.listHeight + 'px';
+ },
+ getStyle(smzt) {
+ return smzt ? 'background-color: Navy;color:white' : '';
+ // return 'scrollItem-' + index === this.scrollItem ? 'background-color: blue;color:white' : '';
+ },
+ }
+ };
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+ // border-right: none;
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+ // margin-top: 15px;
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+<style lang="scss">
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